Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The balance in weight loss

I just had a baby 5 weeks ago. 6 weeks is the "safe mark" to begin workouts and to begin a modified diet.

SO, on the 1st we will be at about 6 weeks and begin both. This is going to be a loonnng journey. I'm exclusively breastfeeding our little one and so I have to lose slowly in order to not compromise my milk. So this will be a weight loss journey full of balance.

My balanced plan is this - 

To lose 31 lbs by the official first day of summer

Workout at least 5 days a week *walking or on the eliptical*

Watch the biggest loser and look at pictures for motivation :) 
Follow the old weight watchers plan with my extra points for breastfeeding

This plan equals out to be 31 lbs in 30 weeks. My biggest struggles will likely be giving up soda and eating so much salad! Here's to hoping I'm successful! I'll do a weekly weigh-in and update on Wednesdays. Please join me in your own balanced weight loss journey and weigh-in with me!

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