Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Finding Balance

As a mom, I'm finding one common theme among my momma groups - the need for balance. We are all so quick to identify ourselves with a group or a type of parent that we throw balance out the window. We figure that it's worked for others in that group so it must work for us. But there are some things we need to consider!

* All babies and children and mothers are different! No one method or style of parenting is going to work all the time, with everyone in the family.

* Just because we identify with certain characteristics of a certain type of parenting group does not mean they are our identity. I've known moms labeled at "attachment parents" that ended up sleep training a particularly difficult child. I've know moms labeled as a "hippy" that didn't enjoy cloth diapering. But these moms felt they needed to hide their decisions and their choices from the others in their label group so as not to be judged.

* The moms in the "other" parenting groups are NOT the enemy! We are in this together. We need the support of one another. Just because one moms choices are not the same as my own does NOT mean we cannot be friends. We are different, yes. Maybe our children are vastly different also. But we are not bad because our choices differ. We are just....different.

This blog will be dedicated to finding the balance in life. The balance as a parent, as a financial planner, as a wife, as a lover of Jesus Christ, and many other things.

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