Thursday, December 29, 2011

Weight loss - no longer so balanced?

Well, my balanced weight loss plan has all but gone out the window! We found out yesterday that our 5 week old likely have Cow's Milk Protein Intolerance. Basically that means that her little belly doesn't break down the proteins like it should. So this mama is already officially dairy free. Annnd it's already harder than I thought. I never thought about how much dairy I consume on a regular basis and never knew of some of the random things that have traces of dairy in them - like lunch meat? What on earth?

So my plan for having balance is kinda thrown off. But my plan is to still do weight watchers, but just dairy free. My only fear is truly getting in enough nutritious points to keep my milk up. I am already starving and consuming huge amounts of food to make up for the lack of carbs, sugar, and dairy.

Anyone have awesome recipes to share?

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