Thursday, February 9, 2012

Weekly weigh-in 6

Good week! I changed some things up this week and it really helped!I stopped WW as I just wasn't seeing very drastic results. My awesome friend Melissa told me about this app called Myfitnesspal and it rocks my socks off! It's calorie counting at its finest. It has thousands of foods stored by brand and serving size and it makes inputting my food a breeze. It is also really easy to add in my exercise and the fact that I'm breastfeeding.

I had a good feeling about this week. I was feeling thinner and better in my clothes again and my post-baby pooch seems to be shrinking. So I was excited to jump on the scale this morning. In fact, it took all I had not to cheat and jump on it on Wednesday and just take a peek :) I also reached my goal of working out 5 times this week. In fact, I exceeded it. I worked out 6 days this week and a few days did 60 min rather than my 30 minute goal! I'm really happy about how this week went. Although, I've been SO tired! I'm guessing all this extra exertion is getting to me.

So! To the fun part :)

My starting weight - 161.8, Last week - 155.2, This week - 153!

Yay for two pounds! Shout out to Melissa for keeping me accountable and motivated!!

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