Friday, February 17, 2012

Weekly weigh-in 7

This was a crazy week! I worked out a LOT! I counted calories and had one cheat day (parent's bday at Outback. DUH I cheated! haha). I was definitely expecting a two-pound loss. I'm not gunna lie. I've been doing better on the soda front and have been trying to make each calorie really count!

Then I weighed in on Thursday morning (sometimes I weigh in on Thurs and sometimes Fri depending on what's going on that week). And as of Thursday I'd only lost a lb! I was furious! haha. So I weighed myself again this morning hoping that it was bloat or water weight or whatever :)

Here were my results!
My starting weight - 161.8, Last week - 153, This week - 151.8!

So not quite two pounds, but close! Some things that changed this week: I'm able to wear one pair of non-fat pre-pregnancy jeans! woot woot! My rings are loser, my love handles feel smaller, and I feel that baby pooch shrinking away. See ya baby weight! I'm 4 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, 16 lbs from my goal weight, and have lost 32 lbs since having Delaney! (yes, if you did the math I gained 36 lbs! YUCK!). I feel like I'm starting to feel pretty again and that is a huge accomplishment in and of itself!

Some tips and goals:
Having an accountability partner (or even many) is key! Melissa has been my rock and my motivation these last few weeks and it's working! Working out (even if you only burn 150 calories) makes a huge difference in the way you feel on the inside and the way you LOOK on the outside. Even though that scale says I lost not even 2 whole pounds, my body and the way my clothes fit say that I'm WAY more in shape and less fat than I was a few weeks ago!

My goals for this week are to continue my 4-5 day a week workouts. To do a good job again limiting soda and making my calories count. To do some more strength training every day on my arms, thighs, and abs. And to lose another two lbs. Bring on those 14s baby!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree even working out for 20 minutes a day helps a ton. ONLY 16LBS TO GO GIRL! you are going to get there so soon!!! :)
