Thursday, January 26, 2012

Weekly weigh-in 4

This was another tough week!! The elliptical is still down and it rained a few days so no walks with the kiddos : / But I did pretty good on my points! I never use my weeklies up so that when I screw up or want to go out to sushi dinner with the hubs and eat whatever I want (I've had good sushi twice that we could come up with since I got pregnant with L!) I can and don't have to fret.

Soooo needless to say, I was worried..again. I just don't seem to lose well when I'm not working out. At LEAST walking a few miles with the kids. But I hopped on that scale this morning and was pleasantly surprised!

I started 161.8. Last week - 156.2. This week - 155.2

So that's still 1 lb gone. Even without working out. Whew! I'm already trying to get back to my 5 days a week goal. I think I just lose a lot better if I'm walking. Plus I feel more sane when I get out and get some sun every day! :)

I've got almost exactly 20 more lbs till I hit my goal weight. So this week to help me get there I'm going to work out those 5 days and when I go to Phx this weekend I'm not going to blow a trillion points eating out with everyone!! ALSO - I'm officially off dairy again for D. So hopefully that will help me not eat out anyway since dairy is in everything : )

1 comment:

  1. yay!!! You are going to have your smokin hot goal body in no time!! *I already think you have a smoking hot body but I know we all see things differently on our own body*

    I have 17.5 to go to my goal..eeek. It is so hard not to cheat! I told Jarod he better not buy me any candy for Valentines day.. haha.
